Thursday, February 16, 2012

Pass Along Cards

Working at the library has been one of my greatest joys in life. I get to meet so many amazing people and I love going to work every day. One day I showed up and one of the first people that I helped that day was a mom with several older children. I helped her find a book for herself and then got her son a library card and then helped her other son find a biography. I didn't feel as though I had done anything special or gone above and beyond but she kept thanking me profusely for being so helpful. After I checked out their items she began to dig through her bag and I was a little curious as to what she was looking for. Eventually she pulled out a pass along card. Before I said that I knew what that was I wanted to make sure it was from my faith. I flipped it over to find that it was in Spanish. I was a little confused because everything we had said up until now was in English. I was reading through it and I must have had a puzzled look on my face. She brightened as she told me it was a pass along card and that she belonged to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I laughed and said that I knew what it was because I belonged to that church as well. She said that that would explain why I was such a saint. She then got a little embarrassed and left with her family.

That experience has left me with a lot to reflect upon. Am I really living my life so that others will know who and what I believe in? Am I a good enough missionary that I have pass along cards on me? Should I feel embarrassed that she didn't know I was LDS or should I feel honored that she wanted me to be part of this wonderful church? I know that since then I have tried to live in a manner that others will know who and what I believe in. I am so grateful that she gave me a pass along card that day. It really has made a big difference in my life.

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