Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Chore List

Even though we didn't keep going after the dog house I still had this burning desire to have my house be clean. This has meant that we now have a chore list. It doesn't mean that Marc has set chores or that I do but we came up with a list that needs to be done each week and if not then we will spend Saturday working on our chores. It isn't a bad system and honestly our house has been much cleaner since then. I am loving it! It is another biproduct of running. Isn't this new system great?

1 comment:

Giggles said...

We do something similar. We have a spreadsheet. And when we're on top of things we alternate who does the counters and who does the floors each week. We also limit ourselves to only cleaning for the length of time the dishwasher runs. If the dishwasher finishes and we aren't finished, we stop anyway. I'm not cleaning my house longer than a machine cleans the dishes.