Friday, August 31, 2012

Ok, So Maybe I Am Not So Cool…

I have been really proud of myself over the summer for my couponing and my washing and freezing of fruit and just how grown up I have been. We recently went to Sam’s Club for cat litter (like a Costco or BJ’s) and I wanted to look at frozen fruit. I have been telling Marc that once school starts that we will have to go to frozen fruit and I have been feeling kind of guilty about it but I knew that I wouldn’t have the time or energy. So off we went. Not only was the fruit cheaper to buy in the frozen package but it had a really nice selection of fruit and it was already washed, cut, and packaged. I also found vitamin based flavored powder that is cheaper and more efficient than the powder I have been using. I am feeling a little less cool now but hey now I don’t have to feel guilty about buying frozen fruit!

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