Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Kiara and Her Ice Cream

Kiara has always liked milk more than the other cats and so I guess it shouldn’t surprise me that she LOVES ice cream. I didn’t intend to feed her ice cream but as I was serving some the other day it fell on the floor. I wasn’t going to eat it anymore and so I threw it into her food dish. She wouldn’t even let the other cats get near it. She kept boxing them out and pushing them away. She would bop Carmel on the head when he would get too close. She finished eating it and there was still plenty to spare so Aurora and Carmel got some too. I have NEVER seen her get so defensive over her food. I made this same mistake the next week with French Vanilla ice cream instead of Vanilla ice cream and she wouldn’t even go near it. Apparently that girl is picky about ALL of her food and I need to stop throwing food on the floor!

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