Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Missing WalletS

No that isn't a typo on the title, when Mikkel came to visit we lost not one but two wallets. It all started when we went to go fill up with gas and it was discovered that somewhere between the gas station and home his wallet had been lost. We searched the car and the gas station but couldn't find nay sign of it. Thankfully it only had his school id in it and nothing else was lost but I felt bad that we had lost his first wallet. I went to Savers to see if I could find him another one. I realized it wouldn't be the same and it would be used but I wanted to see what we could find. We found him another wallet and left this one in the trunk knowing Mikkel would be leaving the next day. The next morning that wallet was missing too! Seriously??? Thankfully that day we also found Mikkel's first wallet which had been wedge in on the side of the seat and had been impossible to find in the dark. At least he left with a wallet and maybe I will be able to find the other one for a backup for his next visit!

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