Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Library Epsiode #3

Remember little Nicholas, well this is another story about him. Nicholas came in with a water bottle one day. He asked the front desk if we would hold the water bottle for him and we reminded him that he could keep it because it had a lid. He said he was sure he would spill it and wanted us to hold it. We were sure that he would forget it but held it anyway. Sure enough he forgot it and we went to dump out the water before throwing it away. As my coworker dumped out the water she discovered there was a BB in this water. Like a BB for a BB gun. We started to freak out a little bit because you can get really sick from sticking things like BBs in your water! We agreed to talk to him about it the next time he came in.
The next time he came in we discussed the BB in his water. He said that he knew it was in his water and that his teacher told him it would grow. We tried very hard to explain to Nicholas that a BB would not grow in water! It took a long time but I think we might have convinced him from not growing BBs anymore!

1 comment:

Just US said...

You can't grow BB's in water? Why didn't someone tell me sooner?!