Monday, February 1, 2010

Thank you George

As I prepared for Melis and her kids to come out, one of the preparations was to make the house George-proof. I have learned long ago that simply baby-proofing the house is not good enough. My house will have to be Kaelen-proof. I have also learned that you have to have something for him or he will go and find something that you would rather him not play with. So as I prepared for him to come things got put away and it forced me to be the most moved in that I have been in the new apartment. So thank you George. Without you being the little rascal, that I love so much, the apartment wouldn't be as moved in as it is at the moment. What am I going to do when that little rugrat is across the world from me? I don't know what I am going to do when any of those little ones are across the world from me? Thank goodness for technology and the ability to stay in contact. Just think, then I can talk to them and not have to worry about Kaelen being able to find the kitchen knives or other such things!

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