Sunday, February 14, 2010

I am now MARRIED!!!

Well it is official! As of 11:30ish yesterday I am now married. It was an absolutely beautiful ceremony and lots of happy tears were shed afterwards as the spirit touched both Marc and I. It was an amazing experience to know that as of that moment we were joined together forever and that our future children would be joined with us as well. What an amazing experience to know that! It was also amazing to know that we were sealed in the same place as my parents and my sister.

We were able to celebrate with the family and take pictures and have a luncheon down in the valley. It was special to know that we were sharing a wedding anniversary of a couple that I had known all of my life and they were able to be in the temple with us. We headed up the hill and had a wonderful reception. I was grateful to be able to enjoy the reception after having hated planning it so much. It was a very nice night and I loved being able to see family and friends there to support us in this new chapter of our lives.

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