Sunday, February 14, 2010

George, Watch out for the TREEEEEE!!!!

I have often thought of George of the Jungle as being a silly boy who should have known better than to run into trees. I mean it isn’t like trees just pop up in your way. They were definitely there first and didn’t move so that you would have to dodge them.

Marc really wanted to have a Bachelor’s party. So him and the boys decided to have a boys night out on the town. I didn’t think I had to warn any of the boys to be nice to him and I knew their bachelor’s party wouldn’t have any of the typical “bachelor” things. There wasn’t going to be alcohol or strippers or anything like that so I wasn’t too worried. Well I should have told the boys to have Marc watch out for trees. Here is how the story goes:

Marc and the gang decided to go play miniature golf. At some point in the night Eric, Marc’s little brother, had lost his pencil. Now I guess this was a big deal because Eric is attached to certain types of pencils, not just any pencil makes the cut for Mr. Eric. So Marc being a caring older brother decided to have the boys split up and search for the special pencil. Now to Eric’s credit he told the boys not to worry but Marc was insistent that they go and search. So they split up and about 30 seconds later Marc was laying on the ground after being knocked over by a tree branch. He felt his head and was relieved to not find any blood but after standing up the blood started to gush. So he had one of the guys help him find a bathroom so that they could look into the cut. Sure enough the silly George had a 2 inch gash on his head behind his hairline. Now George, being the “wonderful” doctor that he was decided to try and wash the cut out by himself. (He claims that we has just trying to clean the blood up and I think had he been able to actually see the cut then he would have been successful in cleaning it out). He called his Dad to see if he needed to get his head examined by a doctor. He was eventually taken back to the apartment where his good friend Matt was able to clean out the wound properly and dress the wound.

I found out about this fiasco on the morning of our wedding. Let me tell you between that and sleeping through my alarm….best wakeup ever! But he was fine and didn’t have a concussion or anything. His parents joked all day that he had to see if he needed to get his head examined the night before his wedding. I am not sure he will ever live down the jokes that will come from his incident with the tree but at least he was safe in the end. Now being his wife, I am so loving and sympathetic that every time we pass a tree I make sure to warn him of the tree. So I write this blog as a plea to keep George safe, next time you see him make sure to warn him of any trees nearby!!! I am pretty sure that after this blog is posted that Marc will be making sure as to the content I put up on the blog but I couldn’t resist!!

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