Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Kiara Getting Lost

The same night that we had the cats fixed it was really hot in the house. We needed to open some windows and doors and we had finally opened the sliding glass door in the bedroom, with the screen door shut. I had called home to check on the cats and Marc said they were both doing good and that Kiara was sleeping behind the futon and had been there all day. I came home to check on them both and quickly found that I couldn’t find Kiara. She wasn’t anywhere in the house and I began to panic that she had made it out the screen door because it doesn’t sit quite right. Marc went around and talked to neighbors and I searched and searched and searched the house. We were extra concerned because Kiara wasn’t even able to walk properly after the surgery and would fall over after every few steps. On top of that she was declawed and it was quickly getting dark. After five hours Kiara showed back up and we still have no idea where she was. We were just so grateful that she was home and safe.

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