Monday, November 29, 2010

Small Joys

Since moving into our apartment complex one of my biggest complaints has been the stop light onto our road. The light sensor must be broken and we can never get it to change!! We have to wait for cross traffic before we can get a green turn arrow. There are times that we will become the cross traffic to save someone else from being stuck at the light or there are times I go the long way around to avoid this light. But the other day I was able to get the light to change all by myself. I sat at the light and all the signs pointed to me being there for a long time! The light was green and the turn arrow red, the green man on the crossing street sign was still up and there was no cross traffic. I knew I was in for a lot of waiting or a miracle. As I sat there watching the green man he turned to a flashing hand and then the light turned red which was weird because there wasn't any cross traffic. I was trying to keep my hopes from getting too high so that I wouldn't disappoint myself if it in fact would not change. But sure enough I was looking at a green turn arrow. Maybe it was the turn arrow trying to leave our relationship on a good note or maybe it was my Thanksgiving present but let me just tell you it made my day!!

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