Saturday, August 28, 2010

Mr. Bighead

In case some of you don't know I have been studying Sign Language in school. After last semester I have learned some valuable information.

#1 - Where you sit in class is CRUCIAL to how well you can see your teacher sign.
#2 - You have to pick a good seat on day 1 because your seat will never EVER change
#3 - You have to like the people who sit at your table because you will "talk" to them a lot!

So being the ridiculous planner that I am, I have been thinking about where I will sit in class for months now. I knew I wanted to sit in the middle because you have the best seat in the house. I also knew that because of my height I didn't want to sit in the front seat because others wouldn't be able to see around me very well. So the first day of class came and I set out to find my seat.

I walked in and found the PERFECT seat. I even had a cool girl that sat at the table with me. I was getting super excited about this semester. Class was getting ready to start in about 5 minutes and things couldn't have looked better. Then Mr. Bighead came in. He asked to sit in front of me and I couldn't exactly say no. I figured I am still a little bit taller and so I should be fine, so I didn't start to stress out just yet. But then class started. This lovely gentleman in front of me not only put his head right in front of my teacher's hands but he wiggles! I have lived with kids but they don't even start to compare to his wiggling. I would shift to the left and then so would he. I would shift to the right.... and then so would he. This went on for an HOUR!!! Let me just say that next week, I will be switching seats. I didn't plan all summer long for Mr. Big-wiggly-head to sit in front of me.

1 comment:

Just US said...

Love the new background! Did you learn how to say "Mr. Big Wiggly Head" in sign language?