Monday, August 31, 2009

Making Pita Chips

The longer I live with Melissa the more independent I become and the more independent I want to become. I have always thought of myself of an independent person but I don't want to make my own appointments or cook my own food. I didn't want to do those things because I would probably just end up doing them wrong. There is nothing worse than looking like an idiot trying to do something productive. I have also always believed that you either have to be in the adult world or the kid world. You can't ever live in both and if I had to pick a world to live in the adult world wouldn't be it. Melissa would ay things like well I learned tips on cooking from watching cooking shows. I am not old enough to watch cooking shows and can we say boring any louder? And yet the longer I live with her and the longer I am exposed to things like cooking shows the more I realize that I was wrong. I can live in both worlds and I can do things without knowing about them 110%. In fact I have said multiple times over the last little bit that I am really excited for the 6 weeks I live down in Tempe because I can practice my cooking without fear of anyone else tasting those awful dinners that I just ruin.

So last night was one of those moments of me branching out and living in the adult world for a moment. One of the things that Melissa has corrupted me with is eating healthy things. I mean I didn't even know what hummus was before moving in with her and I was craving it last night. When did I ever think I would hear the sentece uttered from my mouth, "I am craving pita chips and hummus." What is wrong with me? It must be something in the water out here. Well anyway, I was craving them but we didn't have any in the house. I had helped Melissa make cookies that afternoon and so decided that since we didn't have any pita chips and I was already in cooking mode that I would just make some. Now those of you who know me understand that this is just so out of character it isn't even funny. Well anyway, I asked Melissa to tell me the recipe again and off we went. I made Pita Chips and they were actually quite good if I say so myself and they definitely filled my craving needs last night. I would have taken some pictures to prove it but we definitely weren't looking so cute last night while making Pita Chips and so no pictures were taken. So you will just have to take my word for it or ask for statements from the few key witnesses that saw me do it. Too bad 2 of the 3 people who watched the whole process are under the age of two.

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