Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Eating Healthy

One of the other biproducts of my new fascination with running is the desire to want to eat healthier. So I am asking for any healthy recipes that you might eat in your home. I know that some nutritionists recommend more proteins and less carbs while others recommend a 3-1 ratio of carbs to proteins after working out. I really just want to feel better, lose weight, follow the Word of Wisdom, and be healthy. The rest doesn't matter to me. I want it to be low fat, low calorie but still taste good. Otherwise, I know I won't eat it. Oh, and another desired trait is the ability to freeze it. With school being back in session I don't have a lot of time to cook but if it was pre-made then I could grab and go. I really appreciate any and all recipes taht anyone is willing to share. Thanks!

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