Monday, April 28, 2008

7 days!!!

Okay so not that I am counting... but I have 7 days left of class! I am pretty much really really really excited about it! Then all of the drama will leave Flagstaff and I can enjoy living here once again. The only bad part about that is that I have finals in those last 7 days. But I will survive and it will be okay! I am also very excited for December. My sister and her kiddos are planning on coming out to visit for the month and I can't even handle how excited I am for it! However, it also is sad cuz that means that Chris will actually be in Iraq. He leaves on Sunday for training and that is really crazy to think about! Anyway... I have to go study for a math test but just thought I would check in!


Just US said...

That is awesome! When you are done you need to celebrate with italian sodas, brownies, ice cream, and just the usual girl food!

Hey, will you get me the dates for when your last day might be of the fall semester and the first day of spring semester so I can plan my trip home?

OHLEO!!! said...

Sounds good but only if you are partying with me!! And I will look up those dates and get them to you as soon as I can.